Via a
relation of Compliance Factory, I ended up at Compliance Factory. I went to their location and we had a very open and positive conversation. There was an immediate click.
We discussed expectations and the process is very smooth, I am very satisfied with it. I would also recommend them if I end up with another client who has not yet accommodated the hiring process.
Keep it simple
I provide everything and get a clear overview where I can see and download my pay slips. Keep it simple, sometimes you are overloaded with information but that is not the case here. Just the right thing to do.
I also get good advice. Something had happened at the client's site that caused my contract to expire earlier and then Compliance Factory thought along with me about what would be useful for me.
Asset Manager @ Havenbedrijf Rotterdam
Keep it simple, sometimes you are overloaded with information but that is not the case here. Just the right thing to do.