I am responsible
for the back office of Sport Professionals Network (SPN) and ensure that new professionals join the network. There are a number of requirements that I arrange such as training, intake, VOG, etc.
As soon as the new professionals have gone through the process and have been approved, the clients can hire them. Compliance Factory then creates and confirms the contract.
SPN is a quality system that ensures that professionals meet certain qualities. When clients hire professionals through SPN, the professionals all meet certain qualities.
We therefore also want the quality of the process to be good (of invoicing, quality of intakes) and also of the partners.
Process Facilitator @ Sport Professionals Netwerk
As soon as the professionals start working for a client, they receive a link from the Compliance Factory to log in to the Contractdossier. There they write their hours and then the invoicing process gets started.
I think it is a very nice collaboration with Compliance Factory, I have frequent contact with Farid and that goes very well. Sometimes we really need each other to solve things in the process and then we know where to find each other.
I think it is a very nice collaboration with Compliance Factory, I have frequent contact with Farid and that goes very well. Sometimes we really need each other to solve things in the process and then we know where to find each other.