Marlou van Hussen
My hobby is enjoying life in every sense of the word! I enjoy my lovely family, spending time with loved ones, good food & drinks, music, flowers, plants, nature, art, couture, and the list goes on. In fact, I appreciate all the beauty that this earth has to offer!
Live in contented times!
What do you do at Compliance Factory?
I am a dedicated recruiter for Samen voor het Spoor (a part of Compliance Factory). From Compliance Factory, I am mostly involved in recruitment challenges. Currently, I am collaborating with Sotto dedicated for Samen voor het Spoor/ProRail.
Curious about our approach or a potential collaboration? We would love to get in touch with you!
Curious about our approach or a potential collaboration? We would love to get in touch with you!
When should the customer call you?
For help, I enjoy offering assistance and find it enjoyable to provide relief, (creatively) think along, and come up with concrete solutions.
What do most people not know about you?
I am an open book, and what you don't know, I also don't want to share 😉
What are you proud of within Compliance Factory?
Within Compliance Factory, there is room to be authentic. This makes us a truly close-knit and sincere team!